Brooke Mackie hosts 2nd annual ‘Empire’ Hallo-Ball with Taraji P. Henson


Brooke Mackie, Taraji P Henson, Ashunta Sheriff (Photo Credit Eddy “Precise” Lamarre)

Taraji P Henson, Brooke Mackie and Ashunta Sheriff were all present and in full Halloween regalia at the second annual Hallo-Ball. The event was held at Room Seven on Chicago’s Gold Coast. To say it was the party of the night is an understatement. Taraji was rocking a beautiful Egyptian Queen costume while her co-star Bryshere Grey wore his Rick James wear. The VIP area was packed to capacity, drinks flowed people danced and embodied the characters they chose to dress as. One of the most original costumes was Che “Rhymefest” Smith as Black Panther. Jeezy was also in the building celebrating the release of his latest album Trap or Die 3. As Monday nights go this was one for the history book. Check out a few pics below.

Buy/Listen to Ladies Love Mixtapes by Precise

Precise – Man Of The Ages


Today is January 7, 2015. I was born 43 years ago today. This isn’t particularly interesting; however if you think of the fact that I was born at 7 months premature to Haitian Immigrants who met on a plane on their way to America, I would say its pretty AWESOME!!!

I’m at an interesting place in my life right now. I am so grateful and full of life. I am surrounded by people who love me and support me. Im also at a place in my life where I feel like I should have accomplished so much more and sometimes it feels like Im getting too old.

You see, Im a rapper, an emcee and I rip mics for a living. If you ask anyone they would probably say I’m pretty dope. I’ve been doing this with a strong focus for about 5 years, but overall I’ve been rapping for about 20 years as a solo artist and with my group Nubearth. I bring this up because many say this rap thing is a young mans sport and by the looks of what is fed to the people in the mainstream I would almost have to agree. I remember when I was 27 I told my self I would not be a 30 year old rapper. HA!! That didn’t pan out like I thought. I almost quit a few times, but something keeps pulling me back in. I was never sure what it was, then I figured it out. This is MY PASSION!

You see the thing about being alive is that it affords you the opportunity to LIVE! When I say LIVE I mean live your life by your standards deliberately and intentionally driven by your PASSION. What I have found is that the universe aligns with you when you are bold enough to tap into who you are with no apologies. There are no limits to what we can accomplish. Our only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves.

So guess what…Im going to keep rapping till I can’t rap no more. I have something to say. I have something of substance to share with the world. My experience and life is unique to me and should be shared with people now and into the future.

I am A Man Of The Ages who understands who he is in this vast universe. I know who my source is. I am connected and powerful and I get stronger everyday.

Be your truest self and live your life to the fullest.


What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

If you want to hear some of this great music I provide check out my Bandcamp page, and if you want to do something nice for my birthday feel free to make a purchase.

Ladies Love Mixtapes by Precise was selected as one of the best releases of 2014 by the Chicago Reader.

Buy/Listen to Ladies Love Mixtapes by Precise produced by Tye Hill and D.J. Thunder

Where are they? – NOW!!!

We are in the midst of an awakening. None of the events that you hear of in the media are independent of each other. More of us are aware and have the ability to see clearly. This is why we have to ask questions and challenge the status quo. Our lives are important, we are more than pawns of the oligarchy. In the spirit of asking questions and expecting answers, I ask, WHERE ARE THEY? NOW!!

ZDI2YjdkNDFiZiMvUzJoTFdQcFZQdUFxY2g3TDJ4aS1GNEJaMEZVPS84eDExMTo0Mjg4eDI4MTAvODQweDUzMC9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFnZXMvZTRlYTU4NDc0NmFlZjJlZWU5MmQ3OWU3NGUxZjI0NDljNDgyODE1M2Y5ZDQxODJiMTViMDA4YTcwNTEyYzdiMy5qcGc=In April of 2014 over 400 young female Nigerian students were abducted by Boko Haram never to be returned home to their families.

Where are they?

Mexico Violence-1

In September of 2014. 43 Mexican students disappeared on their way to a protest. They have yet to be found.

Where are they?


In March of 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappeared from air traffic radar. The flight had 227 passengers. It has not been found.

Where are they?


Today Air Asia flight 8501 went missing with 162 passengers on board.

Passengers have been found from this tragedy. 

First Identified Victim From AirAsia Flight 8501 Crash Returned To Her Family

My thoughts and prayers are with these families. I do believe all things work for our good and as I mentioned before this is clearly part of something bigger than all of us.

My request to all of you reading this blog is to focus your energy on all that is good in this world. Focus your energy on each and every one of those spirits that are missing and pray that their souls are at peace.

The shift is happening now. Stay Awake. Find Yourself. Love Yourself. NOW!


Buy/Listen to “It’s On Me” by Precise produced by Tye Hill and D.J Thunder

Precise Interview on The Beat Break Morning Show

Had a great time on The Beat Break Morning Show. We touch on music, responsibility and being aware of who we are. Give it a listen…leave a comment

Buy/Listen to “It’s On Me” produced by Tye Hill and D.J. Thunder below.


In 2014 the thought of being “out of touch” is kind of strange. Think about it, everyone is a Facebook, Twitter, Google+ status update or text away from the latest and greatest news or breaking story. If you happened to miss the event there just might be audio or video of it. I guess from one perspective that can be viewed as progressive, however, I can think of a few reasons that life was better without cell phones. I have 10 reasons below. POW!

10. People had conversations at dinner parties.


How many times have you been out at a dinner party or even out for a bite with a friend and every time you look up from your phone they are hypnotized by theirs.

9. You didn’t have to worry about the “context” of your message


It seems like we are at the mercy of autocomplete and spell check these days. How many times have you been confused by a text, or even pissed off by a message you received just to be informed that it was “taken out of context”? Back in the “good ole days” you would pick up a phone and actually say what you mean.

8. Concerts were much better.


I have to say I have been guilty of snapping a few pics during a concert or two. Plus its easier holding your cell phone up when the lights go down in the stadium, and it doesn’t burn your hand like a lighter. However watching a show I paid $50 dollars for through the screen of the person in front of me is not my idea of a good time. Plus, all the mystery of the show is gone when you can see the footage of the show an hour later on your latest blog.

7. You could miss calls without the guilt.

miss call

These days you can block numbers, reroute calls, send them to voicemail or just flat out ignore the call. We are all free to choose. Sometimes our phones run out of juice and calls go straight to voicemail and on more than one occasion I have felt guilty for missing a call. I shouldn’t feel guilty because you know what? Sometimes I am busy! Some people are so attached to their phones that they feel slighted when you don’t answer yours every single time. The days when the phone rang indefinitely were classic.

6. You could remember phone numbers.


I have about 4000 contacts on my amazing iPhone 4s (don’t laugh at me, I’m upgrading soon). Anyway, the other day all the names disappeared from my contacts so I was only left with the numbers and I could only recognize a few of them. The only way I’ve been able to associate a name with a number is by reviewing old text messages. Years ago I could rattle off the numbers of my closest friends with no problem at all.

5. Getting a “number” was an accomplishment.


This one might be just for the fellas. I remember going to school dances with the intention of getting phone numbers from girls and at the end of the night we would have a tally of how many numbers we got…HA!! I know its childish, but I was a teenager. The excitement was calling the number the next day to determine if you got the right number and having a conversation with someone new. These days you might get the number just to be ignored when you call cause you have been named “thirsty” or “weirdo” when the call comes through on their phone….HA!!

4. Party Lines


Party lines were so much fun!! You could call an 800 number and talk all night with a group of people you knew or didn’t know. The only drawback was the ridiculous charges to your phone bill. The plus side was when you were done with the group you could just hang up the phone. These days when you become part of a group message its eternal whether you like it or not.

3. Meeting people face to face

Laughing Couple

Phones have become an extension of our lives. Sometimes we can carry on relationships via text messaging and video chats, however nothing beats the human touch.

2. We had privacy.


I’ve had my share of embarrassing moments. I’ve even had some fights where I didnt fare so well. NONE of those made it to World Star.These days if you hear the word “World Staaaaaaaaaaaaar” rest assured it will be shown to millions over the world wide web because someone is recording it via their cell phone. As of late, I understand that the NSA has been tracking the  cell phone usage of American citizens providing the type of insight that was not involved before the advent of cell phones. MIND YOUR BUSINESS, YO!!!



There is something about being tethered to a phone. Taking pictures updating statuses, sharing news all take away from enjoying our time in the moment of what we are experiencing. Be present! Have Fun! PUT THE PHONES DOWN!!


What do you think? Was life better before cell phones or not? Leave a comment and share.

Listen/Buy “Ladies Love Mixtapes The EP”

Precise – Summer Shows For Peace – Chicago

Gonna be a busy summer. I need to see YOU at EVERY event this summer.

We are doing this to change the vibration, shift the tide and change the world. Promote what is positive. Focus on your greatness. WE ARE AWESOME!!




Precise – Take Our Time (Right Away)


Take Our Time (Right Away) is the lead single off the most recently released project by Precise entitled “Ladies Love Mixtapes The EP” with production by Tye Hill, D.j. Thunder and Eddy Lamarre.

The video is set with Chicago as a beautiful backdrop and features actress Morissa Lewis and painter Nicole Malcolm.

Precise cant seem to make up his mind, but he does know that he wants to take his time right away.

Please subscribe, comment and like on youtube and share this video with all of your people. Lets go for One Million Views!!! WE CAN DO IT!!



Buy “Take Our Time (Right Away)” Here

Rapping around a strip pole…HA!.. GO! LIVE FROM VIP interview w/ Precise (Chicago, IL)


Right after visiting with Taj Longino of TWTTV …I went of to Pure Passion in Indianapolis to speak with James St James of .

Check it out… Let me know what you think.


Buy/Listen to GO!! produced by NSBEATPROZ